
Jumat, 03 Desember 2010


Google sebagai mesin pencari terbesar didunia banyak memiliki fiture spesial. Pada postingan ini saya akan menulis 5 buah fiture spesial yang paling populer dari Google. Karena tips dan fiture dari Google ini akan sangat berguna dan akan sering kita gunakan.
1. Perhitungan matematika sederhana.
Mesin cari Google bisa melakukan perhitungan matematika sederhana seperti penjumlahan, perkalian, pembagian atau pengurangan, karena memiliki kemampuan fungsi sebagai kalkulator. Ketikkan angka yang ingin dihitung beserta tanda perhitungannya ke dalam kotak mesin cari, misalnya: 5+3*5, lalu tekan tombol Enter atau klik tombol Search di Google. Example
2. Konversi mata uang.
Fasilitas konversi mata uang juga tersedia di mesin cari Google. Cukup ketikkan angkanya diikuti tanda  mata uangnya yang ingin dikonversi dari mata uang tertentu ke mata uang yang diinginkan di kotak mesin cari, misalnya: 100 USD in INR, lalu tekan Enter. Example
3. Melihat waktu di berbagai kota di seluruh dunia.
Anda bisa mencari tahu waktu lokal di sebuah kota atau negara lain. Cukup ketikkan time in [nama kota/negara] di kotak pencarian untuk mencari tahu dengan mudah waktu lokal di sebuah kota/negara. Misal: time in Barcelona. Example
4. Konversi unit.
Selain berfungsi sebagai kalkulator, mesin cari Google juga bisa mengkonversi ukuran. Misalnya: 100 inch in meter. Example
5. Cek ejaan.
Google juga punya fasilitas mengecek ejaan, baik ejaan biasa untuk kata benda seperti nama dan tempat,  yang mungkin tidak muncul di program spell check atau kamus standar. Example ketika kita mengetiikan pada kolom pencarian dengan kata “Lawyr” maka akan tampak sebuah pemberitahuan beberapa kata yang benar seperti “Lawyer


                          BUROX Express Inc.
                         JL Banda 5 Bandung Jawa Barat Indonesia 40151


November 25, 2009

Nur Zierora
Sales Manager
EMOC Company
307 Sandgaa Street
London, 120619904

Dear Ms Zierora,

We have seen your advertisement in The Jakarta Post, and would be grateful if you would kindly send us details of your small electric motor.

Will you please send us your catalouge and full details of your export prices and terms of payment, together with delivery times, and details of discounts for regular purchases and large orders.

We may offer our services as an import agent to make small electric motor more known in Indonesia if the advantage of your product is more much than the other.

We are looking forward to receiving your quotation.

Yours faithfully
BUROX Express Inc.

Y. Prasetyo
Head of Finance Department

Strategi Perusahaan

Strategi secara umum dapat digambarkan sebagai usaha atau cara-cara tertentu yang dilakukan untuk mencapai sebuah tujuan tertentu. Strategi dapat diterapkan baik di tingkat corporate maupun di tingkat business unit, Robert N. Anthony dan Govindarajan membagi tingkat strategi corporate berdasarkan identifikasiindustri yang digeluti oleh perusahaan tersebut dan membagi strategi business unit berdasarkan kemampuannya menghasilkan return bagi perusahaan.
Sebelum memformulasikan sebuah strategi maka perlu dilakukan analisis yang baik terhadap lingkungan internal maupun eksternal perusahaan. Lingkungan internal perusahaan dapat dianalisis melalui teknologi yang digunakan, kegiatan produksi, usaha pemasaran, distribusi barang dan kegiatan logistik perusahaan. Lingkungan eksternal dapat dianalisis melalui pesaing, pelanggan, pemasok atau supplier, kondisi sosialekonomi serta politik di lingkungan perusahaan tersebut bergerak.
Lingkungan Eksternal Pesaing Pelanggan Pemasok
Leading company, seperti Unilever & P&G
Masyarakat menengah kebawah
Wings punya anak perusahaan yang khusus memasok bahan baku untuk bisnis-bisnis yang membutuhkan bahan kimia.
Analisis lingkungan terhadap Wings Group dapat dilihat dalam tabel berikut :
Lingkungan Internal Teknologi Marketing Distribusi Produksi
Menggunakan teknologi terkini untuk mendukung R&D dan produksi R&D yang intensif dan advertising yang provokatif mampu merebut pasar Jalur distribusi sependek mungkin, menjangkau hingga pelosok desa Toiletries, household cleaning, makanan dan minuman
Strategi yang diterapkan Grup Wings untuk corporatenya adalah unrelated diversification, walaupun industri utamanya adalah bisnis toiletries dan personal care, namun Wings juga merambah ke bidang Agrobisnis, yaitu membuka perkebunan kelapa sawit di Kalimantan Selatan yang menyediakan bahan baku bagi sebagian besar industri kimia dasarnya. Bank dan Lembaga Keuangan, Wings mempunyai Bank Ekonomi yang merangkul para pedagang skala kecil dan menengah. Real Estat serta Bahan Bangunan. Wings bekerja sama dengan Grup Djarum membangun Pulo Gadung Trade Center dan mengambil alih real estat yang terbengkalai seperti Raffles Hill di Puncak, Cibubur, Surabaya dan Cilegon. Sementara bahan bangunan yang diproduksi olehWings adalah Milan Ceramics, gypsum dan plester gypsum.
Sementara strategi yang diterapkan pada masing-masing business unitnya berbeda, walau pada intinya tetap mengacu pada misi perusahaan tersebut, menghasilkan produk berkualitas istimewa dengan harga murah. Mie Sedaap dijual dengan harga murah, Rp 625-Rp 750 / bungkus, tetapi menawarkan kualitas istimewa, serta ditunjang oleh kampanye iklan yang provokatif, Mie Sedaap laku keras di pasaran. Karena banyaknya permintaan terhadap Mie Sedaap,Wings sempat kewalahan hingga hanya bisa memenuhi 10% dari order pengecer toko. Namun kini kondisi sudah lebih baik karena Wings sudah menambah kapasitas produksi di dua pabrik Gresik (Surabaya) dan Seroja (Bekasi). Mie Sedaap juga bersiap meluncurkan lima varian rasa baru, melengkapi tiga rasa yang terdahulu.
Walaupun sering dianggap sebagai follewer yang sukses, bahkan dikenal sebagai perusahaan mee too, sukses Wings tentu saja didukung oleh core competency yang membedakannya dari perusahaan lain. Jaringan distribusi yang solid, penguasaan terhadap bahanbaku dan bahan setengah jadi untuk bahan dasar sabun dan detergen, serta teknologi parfum yang disertakan dalam sabun ataupun detergen adalah core competency sekaligus kekuatan yang dimiliki olehWings.
Kesempatan yang dimiliki Wings untuk merebut pasar sangat besar, karena demand untuk produk kebutuhan sehari-hari (fast moving consumer goods) tidak akan surut, bahkan akan terus bertambah seiring pertumbuhan penduduk.
Di samping kekuatan dalam teknologi dan jaringan distribusi, sistem organisasi yang fleksibel juga menjadi kekuatan tersendiri yang sulit dicari di perusahaan lain. Sistem organisasi ini menentang arah sistem organisasi vertikal yang memuat birokrasi yang cenderung berbelit-belit. Sistem organisasi yang fleksibel memungkinkan pembuatan keputusan menjadi lebih cepat, padaWings , setiap posisi direktur memiliki kewenangan yang sama untuk membuat keputusan penting menyangkut operasional perusahaan sehari-hari. Sementara Board of Director yang jumlahnya 12 orang lebih berurusan dengan keputusan strategis jangka panjang.
Jika kita menilik pada model two-by-two-growth-share matrix yang dikembangkan Boston Consulting Group (BCG), maka bisnis yang menjadi tulang punggung dan cash cow nya adalah bisnis fast moving consumer goods.
Industri ini perputaran uangnya sangat cepat dan kalis krisis, sehingga pasarnya selalu terjamin. Sedangkan bisnis yang sedang naik daun atau menjadi star adalah bisnis makanan, yakni Mie Sedaap, yang dalam waktu kurang dari setahun dari peluncuran perdana bulan April 2003 telah merebut pangsa pasar Indofood sebesar 12%. Dari total pasar mie instan Rp8 triliun/tahun maka Wings telah mengantongi Rp.864 miliar, angka yang sangat fantastis untuk sebuah produk baru. Sedangkan bisnis yang tergolong dalam question mark adalah industri hulu yang berupa perkebunan kelapa sawit yang menghasilkan crude palm oil yang diekspor ke berbagai negara.
Menurut Porter, perusahaan memiliki dua cara yang umum dilakukan dalam merespon opportunity dan membangun competitive advantage, yaitu low cost dan differentiation. Wings dikenal sebagai perusahaan follower, namun bila dilihat dari komposisi produknya, Wings selalu menambahkan value yang membedakan produknya dengan produk pesaing, selain itu Wings selalu menjual produknya dengan harga lebih murah dari pesaing. Hal ini mungkin terjadi akibat beban produksi yang rendah, sehingga margin bisa lebih tinggi untuk menggenjot dana promosi. Selain itu Wings juga menerapkan strategi integrasi up stream dan down stream yang menjamin pasokan bahan baku secara kontinyu. Production house yang dibangun khusus, distribusi produk yang dikelola sendiri termasuk kebutuhan kemasan mampu menekan biaya produksi.
Wings juga telah menerapkan value chain dalam setiap bisnisnya sejak lama, yaitu mengupayakan agar serangkaian aktifitas dalam menghasilkan produk dari persiapan hingga after sale service berjalan dengan baik dan dapat meningkatkan
customer value untuk menekan biaya.


BUROX Express Inc.
JL Banda 5 Bandung Jawa Barat
Indonesia 40151

November 29, 2009

Nur Zierora
Sales Manager
EMOC Company
307 Sandgaa Street
London, 120619904

Dear Ms Zierora,

We have seen your advertisement in The Jakarta Post, and would be grateful if you would kindly send us details of your small electric motor.

Will you please send us your catalouge and full details of your export prices and terms of payment, together with delivery times, and details of discounts for regular purchases and large orders.

We may offer our services as an import agent to make small electric motor more known in Indonesia if the advantage of your product is more much than the other.

We are looking forward to receiving your quotation.

Yours faithfully
BUROX Express Inc.

T. Mareta
Head of Marketing Department


General Manager Manufacturing ( GMM)
 Leading company and hold responsible to entire/all continuity of company life . In running its duty [of] GMM assisted by four division.
 Leading group and be in control of some existing department under him. There [is] four group in organization chart of P.T. TIFICO Tbk that is : administration group, production group, machinery group, and ISO 9002 & 14000 Project
 Safety And Environmental Control Departement
 Departmental this undertake to give construction concerning employees working safety, making clothes standard and appliance work so that in working employees get safety guarantee and in the event of accident of company will hold responsible, fully with note when accident happened employees have weared working safety appliance and clothes according to company standard. Be In Control Of keberlangsung of[is condition of environment effect of impact of activity produce company. Relate to that thing is hence this department observe and prevent the happening of pollution and is impure, arranging gas throw away, waste mengolahan and emission.
 General Affair Departement
 [Is] part of public in charge of to the is 1) Ready [of] clothes saranan and working safety appliance like peacemaker belt ( belt safety ), hat ( met heln ), clothes ( uniform ), shoe anti electrizing 2) Providing and looking after canteen facility, Mushola, polyclinic, dispensary, hostel, and perumahaan ( mess and dormitory) employees 3) Determining hospital, doctor, dispensary showed for the service of employees and [his/its] family 4) Appliances labour Penyedian 5) Observation of health of employees 6) Ready [of] drinking water 7) Ready [of] transportation medium of anatr fetch employees 8) And also function as liaison for example problem of company eksternal handle jamsostek, determining gone to Hospital.
 Personnel of Departement
 Departement Personlia be in control of ketenagakerjaan start from employees rekruitment, remuneration, increase of [position/occupation] ( promotion), assessment of labour capacity, appreciation of employees directly and also indirectly, levying of security ( company securty)
 Accounting Departememt
 Hold responsible to




          This kind of CV is a way to focus your career towards a particular objective, within a specific industry or a specific company. A targeted CV is written in a way that highlights skills, qualifications and experience that match the requirements of the advertised position. Writing a targeted CV is effective when:
  • You know the requirements of a particular position
  • You know which company you will be sending your CV to
  • You are sending your CV in reply to a specific job advertisement
  • You need to compose different CVs each corresponding to a different career objective
·         The targeted CV focuses on a clear, specific job target, listing appropriate capabilities and supporting accomplishments. Each job target requires a different CV.
·         You must be clear and specific about your job target, the particular title, or occupational field you want to pursue.
·         Capabilities and accomplishments must be stated briefly, each in one or two lines and be directly related to your job target.
·         Your list of capabilities should answer the question, "What can you do?" Your list accomplishments should answer the question, "What have you done?"
·         Experience and education are included, but not stressed; they support the image conveyed by the CV.
·         The CV should fit on one page with plenty of white space.

CV template to view and print:

Your full name
Your home address
Your home phone number
Your mobile phone number
Your personal email address
I am a hard working team player and I enjoy exceeding targets. I look for ways to do things better because I am motivated by being successful and achieving.
Profile explained:your profile should be about 30 words long and describe what you are like to work with, focussing on how you can help an employer to prosper. Remember, you don't need to have had a job to be able to describe yourself as a colleague.
Career summary
Focus on the skills and experience that you have from previous employment that supports your key skills list above. List your employment history in reverse order, starting with your most recent job first. List you employment history like this:
Job title
From-to dates
Company name
Tip: If you do not want to name your current employer, describe the company instead e.g. Leading UK software house
Key skills and achievements
List up to five achievements - remember you want to show how you would add value to a company. Explain what you did, how you did it and what was achieved. Define and explain the skills like this for example:

Sales management
  • Set Key performance Indicators (KPI) that were aligned to 'new business' objectives for the company. KPI were individually performance and bonus related and resulted in a 5% uplift in customer acquisition.
Public sector example:
People management
  • Set up employee feedback forum in light of new Energy Saving Policy to encourage bottom up communication. Achieved policy recommended energy savings and exceeded expectations by 2%.
Systems used
List all of the systems that you have used that are relevant to the job you are applying for stating your competence level, see examples below.
  • MS Excel advanced
  • Sage II procurement
Training and qualifications
List any courses that you have recently completed where the course of skills acquired are relevant to the job that you are applying for. State the grade or mark that you achieve where relevant.
Course/skill name
From-to dates
Education institution
Awards and membership of professional bodies
List all relevant awards, membership of professional bodies and also membership of 'news' or 'lobby' groups etc. For example:
  • Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)


The Functional CV is usually two pages in length and covers your entire career history. Unlike the most common chronological CV it focuses, not on your career history, but on your skills, abilities and expertise. It may not even refer to a specific industry, as the skills detailed are deemed transferable.
It is important that the skills you detail are relevant to the position you are applying for. It is no use highlighting your great accounting experience if the position is in sales. You should highlight your achievements in a sales environment and focus on relevant aspects of that field of work.
A functional CV format is useful if:
  • You lack experience or have gaps in your work history; these can be de-emphasized in a functional CV while your skills and potential are highlighted.
  • You have changed jobs frequently and have had a variety of unrelated work experiences.
  • You want to promote skills and experience obtained through college or volunteer experience.
  • You are changing careers or re-entering the job market, perhaps after taking a career break to be a full time parent.
  • Your most recent work experience is not relevant to the job, but past experience is.
  • You have been working freelance or in temporary employment.
  • You do not want to advertise your age.
A functional CV format is less useful if:
  • You have little work experience and thus not much to highlight.
  • You have a progressive career history, which reflects promotions, and growth and you want to emphasize that.
What is the layout of a functional CV?
  • The Functional CV starts with a Profile that highlights specific skills, achievements and relevant personal qualities.
  • Grouped beneath subheadings, you should then present your range of skills and abilities beginning with the most important. Present the functions as bullet points. Rather than focusing on experience in a particular job, detail your abilities as demonstrated in that job in such a way as to show that they are transferable to the job applied for. As previous employers are not mentioned by name you can include voluntary and unpaid work.
  • Following this section is a list of employers and employment dates.
  • Qualifications are covered next including professional and academic qualifications.
  • The Functional CV may conclude with a brief outline of your personal details, hobbies and interests.


Tania Y. Henry
501 G Street, N. W.
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 676-8309

Extensive and diverse health care experience in both acute care and research hospital settings. Knowledgeable of current regulatory standards, biomedical technology, and medico-legal considerations. Strong background in designing, implementing, and directing patient care programs. Experience with hospital information systems.
·         Administered all operations for in-patient and ambulatory patient care units.
·         Managed unusual incidents related to personnel functions and medical care.
·         Acted as liaison between medical and nursing staffs.
·         Supervised two to four para-professionals.
·         Participated in auditing medical records for compliance with accreditation standards.
·         Administered in-service educational programs.
·         Collected data for research studies and protocols.
·         Incorporated findings into clinical applications.
·         Collaborated in development of clinical investigations.
·         Assessed, planned, implemented, and evaluated holistic care for diverse patient populations.
·         Designed, administered and directed teaching programs.
·         Worked extensively with biomedical technology.
Master of Health Services Administration, The George Washington University, Washington, DC, January 1987.
BS in Nursing, Hampton Institute, Hampton, VA, May 1976.
The National Institutes of Health, Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center, Bethesda, MD, Clinical Nurse (May 1980-present).
Michael Reeves Medical Center, Chicago, IL, Staff Nurse (May 1979-April 1980).
University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, IL, Staff Nurse (September 1976-May 1979).
Member, The George Washington University Health Services Administration
Associate, American College of Hospital Administrators Association.

·        http:\\Google Search\\ Chronological-CV-template.html
·        http:\\Google Search\\ functional-cv-examples.htm
·        http:\\Google Search\\ targeted-cv.html
·        http:\\Google Search\\ functional-cv.html